OK, the art is pretty, the colours are great, but really, steel doesn't move that way... Anyway, it looks nice.
But I don't get it. Subaru is a simpering, fragile little brat... Ok, she looks... (idiotic) good... I mean, I've seen worse. But she...
OK, the art is pretty, the colours are great, but really, steel doesn't move that way... Anyway, it looks nice.
But I don't get it. Subaru is a simpering, fragile little brat... Ok, she looks... (idiotic) good... I mean, I've seen worse. But she is still the most annoying character in .hack//SIGN. In my opinion. And considering that she beat Sora...
But yeah, I do like the colours. Pity it's Subaru and not Mimiru.
Posted by Gast on Sat Aug 14 01:36:02 2004
(you guys are sick to think that)
Oh for fucks sake. Animatrix, .Hack fan. Let me ask a question? What is the actual range of your vocabluary? And. Two: Are you REALLY this obsessed over a anime character that you feel the urge to start mobs, rant and rave like fucking lunatics, froth...
Oh for fucks sake. Animatrix, .Hack fan. Let me ask a question? What is the actual range of your vocabluary? And. Two: Are you REALLY this obsessed over a anime character that you feel the urge to start mobs, rant and rave like fucking lunatics, froth at the mouth, and send proclimations for her death because your lives are actually that meaningless and boring this is all you can muster to entertain yourselves with? *Snortgigglelaugh* Ya know? LOL I find it highly amusing that you two have such piss poor syntax, your grammar is the shit, and your content reeks of a child's education level, yet, you try to look all bad ass and carp over a piece of art, friggin lines on the screen due to it being a character you have dispassion for. Yes. Please. Let's get down with stupid. Because all this bullshit spew is not making YOU look any smarter. .Hack artist. You're wasting your breath hun. People like that are WAY too thick and dense to comprehend anything you're trying to tell them. Might as well be banging your head uselessly against a brick wall. The artist here, derived a simply gorgeous pic! This does not deserve HALF the crap it did. e.e;
Posted by Gast on Fri Jul 30 11:40:41 2004
I think the pic is kewl but why do boys always have to say such stupid stuff?
Posted by Gast on Wed Jul 28 20:00:32 2004
Hellllloooooooo Subaru ;)
Posted by Gast on Sat Jul 24 15:40:00 2004
.hack fan..yay!
mimru iz ma all time FAVE character!!!subuaru iz ok. i wouldnt kill her and besides she iz juss a pencil drawing or wat ever she iz made out of!! =^-^=
Posted by Gast on Sat Jul 3 08:20:27 2004
Sabaru.....looks like shes trying to feel or have hope..
blue and beautiful
Erstmal geb ich "Akane" und "Moody" in allem voll Recht. Also ehrlich: Wenn irgendwer meint Englisch schreiben zu müssen, sollte dieser jemand nich " .de " sondern " .com " eingeben!!! ( Zwar kann ich das gröbste verstehen, aber halt nich alles )...
Erstmal geb ich "Akane" und "Moody" in allem voll Recht. Also ehrlich: Wenn irgendwer meint Englisch schreiben zu müssen, sollte dieser jemand nich " .de " sondern " .com " eingeben!!! ( Zwar kann ich das gröbste verstehen, aber halt nich alles ) Außerdem versteh ich nich, warum SUBARU sooo schlimm is, wie die meisten Englisch-Schreiber tun!! Wahrscheinlich sind die einfach eifersüchtig, denn ich muss zugeben, dass SUBARU echt hübsch is. Daher find ich dieses Bild auch echt schön. ( Das is meine Meinung dazu! )
Hab mich wol geirrt du hesst nich ganz recht um die 3-4 Leutlies schreiben auch DEUTSCH u.auser dehm hast du bei den vorigen pic´s auch *nie* was hingeschrieben ... naja jeder kann sich mal irren!!!!... BITTE, BITTE, LEUTLIES DIE DEUTSCH SCHREIBEN...
Hab mich wol geirrt du hesst nich ganz recht um die 3-4 Leutlies schreiben auch DEUTSCH u.auser dehm hast du bei den vorigen pic´s auch *nie* was hingeschrieben ... naja jeder kann sich mal irren!!!!... BITTE, BITTE, LEUTLIES DIE DEUTSCH SCHREIBEN KÖNEN SOLLLEN`S DOCH AUCH TUN (muss man hier alles tausend mal schreiben????) *angenervte Miene wurde soeben aufgesetzt* ...ach u. das pc habich noch nich erwehnt o.? es is foll nett ...
Posted by Gast on Fri Apr 23 00:18:11 2004
i dont hate Subaru but i dont really like her, i just like how the artist isnt sexist and has here weilding an axe not some skimpy wand or crap
nobody that I know thinks this is interesting but I enjoy it thanks.
Posted by Gast on Tue Apr 6 09:52:09 2004
also akane du hast malwieder foll ins schwarze getroffen!!!!!!!!lol. Ich gebe dir recht, binn foll deiner meinung!!!!!!!!!! °-°
Posted by Gast on Sat Apr 3 04:24:51 2004
ok.... dudes.... all it is, is wallpaper... alright? shes just an anime character... if you hate her, then you can. free speech... (i'm so a flamer target now... arn't i?)
Posted by Gast on Sat Apr 3 02:57:52 2004
I like the wallpaper and if Tsukasa(a boy in the game) likes her why do you hate her? Would that mean you hate Tsukasa falling in love with her?
shut the fuk up! yea yea subaru's a lil stupid. but well, she's my first and if anyone got a problem go and make fun of her. she's just an anime character. but if by the chance you start making a war, go make a war in real life. dont blame her. blame...
shut the fuk up! yea yea subaru's a lil stupid. but well, she's my first and if anyone got a problem go and make fun of her. she's just an anime character. but if by the chance you start making a war, go make a war in real life. dont blame her. blame the stupid crimson night! and stupid sora. he's gay. go boo them!
Posted by Gast on Sun Mar 14 05:03:18 2004
I feel so sorry for you tsukasa fan.
May your soul rest in peace.
come on guys. i'm a guy and i don't think that subaru is sexy or anything. i think she is just a pure character like tsukasa even though tsukasa is a girl in the real world. may the two exist together in "the world" and may they comfort each other. poor...
come on guys. i'm a guy and i don't think that subaru is sexy or anything. i think she is just a pure character like tsukasa even though tsukasa is a girl in the real world. may the two exist together in "the world" and may they comfort each other. poor .hack//sign, being mangaled in such a manner.
Jetzt reicht es mir aber alles auf dieser verdammten Seite ist auf englisch geschrieben, (bis auf das von mir ) ich meine das geht doch nicht www.animewallpapers.DE ist doch schließlich eine deutsche seite und es gibt ja noch eine englische seite ...
Jetzt reicht es mir aber alles auf dieser verdammten Seite ist auf englisch geschrieben, (bis auf das von mir ) ich meine das geht doch nicht www.animewallpapers.DE ist doch schließlich eine deutsche seite und es gibt ja noch eine englische seite können alle die englisch sprechen den nicht dahin gehen, ich meine hier versteht das doch keiner !!!!!!! (Die meisten jedenfalls )
I like this one alot! I mean just look at the back ground! the only thing that I wish you had was more pics of tusckasa(bad spell) and subaru. Pus some shots of all of em (I saw one of em on the first page that has a pick from .hack//key of the...
I like this one alot! I mean just look at the back ground! the only thing that I wish you had was more pics of tusckasa(bad spell) and subaru. Pus some shots of all of em (I saw one of em on the first page that has a pick from .hack//key of the twilight lol.
Posted by Gast on Sun Feb 1 15:26:34 2004
O-kay...animatrix really has an um...a grade-schooler's view of revenge. Relax, okay?! I actually like Subaru, okay? And yeah, wonderful work on this wallpaper whoever did it! I got it right when it appeared on my screen!
Posted by Gast on Fri Jan 30 07:20:16 2004
uhhhh....look`s beatiful...
Posted by Gast on Thu Jan 29 14:47:23 2004
phsyco t
u guys are ubsestedwith .hack sign. what can i say i am too
Posted by Gast on Mon Jan 26 15:13:56 2004
.hack artist
hey animatrix! I would prefer to get the mimiru action figure like you, since she is my favorite character.
Posted by Gast on Sat Jan 24 04:41:41 2004
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a
just a fool ...
nice job on the wallpaper
Posted by Gast on Tue Jan 20 08:57:05 2004
First of all, some of you people are acting really immature. my gosh! you can't "kill" an anime character. Second, I think the person did a very good job on this wallpaper. kudos to them! ^_~
Posted by Gast on Sun Jan 18 11:01:25 2004
Hey people. she isnt that bad. yeah shes a lil whimpy but consider the player. shes crippled .. you guys are so crewl.. tho i didnt really like her getting all tender hearted with tsukasa....oh well lol
Posted by Gast on Sat Jan 17 08:17:26 2004
.hack artist
Shut uuuppp!
Posted by Gast on Sat Dec 27 09:20:41 2003
Tsukasa Lover
Posted by Gast on Wed Dec 24 03:54:47 2003
Heero Yuy
yea damn poor Subaru! damn likes Tsukasa at the end only she knew that he was a GAL!!!!! my gosh!!!! haha......
Mimiroo just having a little fun here nothing is serious it's all just in play. If people hate subaru here that's kool, I ain't got nothing on them. It's just I can't stand when people say they will use a plasma cannon, I mean there just cartoon...
Mimiroo just having a little fun here nothing is serious it's all just in play. If people hate subaru here that's kool, I ain't got nothing on them. It's just I can't stand when people say they will use a plasma cannon, I mean there just cartoon characters for peet sakes.
Posted by Gast on Tue Nov 25 09:21:58 2003
Lest,once again,back down. Hmmmm...Very mean for you to blow her guts out,animaetrix. Very mean to curse her .hack artist...mean,cruel,and unkind....once you read this more is sure to come....
Posted by Gast on Mon Nov 24 10:16:23 2003
Hey .hack artist! You know they have subaru 6 inch action figures. Maybe you should get one. I'm getting the Mimiru one.
Posted by Gast on Mon Nov 24 09:53:25 2003
.hack artist
Shut the hell up. Hope you are dead!
Posted by Gast on Sun Nov 23 04:19:24 2003
tsukasa fan
Itcontageous! It's hazardous! It's...*barf*..uggghhh..*barf*...dum, fat old, farty pants,.....*barf*! I.. need..to..get..aahhhh! (people of this planet. Tsukasa fan has just died of a heartattack. Please have a word of prayer for her poor soul) O.o
Subaru is the most stupidest character ever! You guys have bad taste if you think that ugly monster,beast is your favorite charater. She's ugly and she's a sassy brat.(sarcasim)'Oh i'm a little princess and i'm spoiled and get my way all the time.'...
Subaru is the most stupidest character ever! You guys have bad taste if you think that ugly monster,beast is your favorite charater. She's ugly and she's a sassy brat.(sarcasim)'Oh i'm a little princess and i'm spoiled and get my way all the time.' There is one thing you can't have and that's tsukasa. I got a plasma cannon and I'm not afraid to use it! What your not going to give up?! *plasma cannon:out* *Battle Mode ON* ASTALAVESTA(or however you spell it.) BABY!!! BOOOOM!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh,sweet! Her stomach! Her esophagus is still attached! This would make a great purse!*censored for some bad things.)
Posted by Gast on Wed Nov 19 10:46:50 2003
.hack fan
WhooHoo You go cardcaptor!! You agree!! My soul purpose is to kill subaru!!! Let's team up and stalk our prey...Anyway subaru is an idiot and boohoo to her if she can't have the mighty,holy Tsukasa. AHHH!!! I HATE HER!!! (By the way she is NOT sexy!)
Posted by Gast on Tue Nov 18 07:10:07 2003
oh be quiet!
Posted by Gast on Mon Nov 10 09:31:07 2003
Wow that girl looks very sexy ;o)
Posted by Gast on Tue Oct 21 02:10:30 2003
what a poor girl... knowning that Sukasa was a girl.. and knowning that she is a older girl then Sukasa...
Posted by Gast on Sat Oct 11 15:19:28 2003
i have this wallpaper and all i can say is this wallpaper is great! it's really cute but simple!
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